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Joy in Service on Rue Tagore: Poems

  Thu 9/12 at 6PM
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Rise and Fall of Adam and Eve
by Greenblatt, Stephen
The most influential story in Western cultural history, the biblical account of Adam and Eve is now treated either as the sacred possession of the fai... (more)
by Taylor, Cory

A deeply affecting meditation on dying and a wise tribute to life

At the age of sixty, Cory Taylor is dying of melanoma-rela... (more)

Golden House
by Rushdie, Salman
A modern American epic set against the panorama of contemporary politics and culture—a hurtling, page-turning mystery that is equal parts The Gr... (more)
by Allen, Danielle
In a shattering work that shifts between a woman’s private anguish over the loss of her beloved baby cousin and a scholar’s fierce critique of the Ame... (more)
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