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House You Pass on the Way by Woodson, Jacqueline
House You Pass on the Way
by Woodson, Jacqueline
Staggerlee is used to being alone. As the granddaughter of celebrities and the daughter of an interracial couple in an all-black town, she has become adept at isolating herself from curious neighbors. But then her cousin, Trout, comes to visit. Trout is exactly like Staggerlee wishes she could be: outspoken, sure of herself, beautiful. Finally, Staggerlee has a friend, someone she can share her deepest, most private thoughts with. Someone who will teach her how to be the strong girl she longs to be. But is Trout really the girl Staggerlee thinks she is?
Published November, 2010 by Penguin Group (USA) Incorporated, 160 Pages, ISBN: 9780142417065, ISBN-10: 0142417068, List Price $22.44.

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