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Fourier Integral and Certain of Its Applications by Wiener, Norbert.
Fourier Integral and Certain of Its Applications
by Wiener, Norbert.
The book was written from lectures given at the University of Cambridge and maintains throughout a high level of rigour whilst remaining a highly readable and lucid account. Topics covered include the Planchard theory of the existence of Fourier transforms of a function of L2 and Tauberian theorems. The influence of G. H. Hardy is apparent from the presence of an application of the theory to the prime number theorems of Hadamard and de la Vallee Poussin. Both pure and applied mathematicians will welcome the reissue of this classic work. For this reissue, Professor Kahane's Foreword briefly describes the genesis of Wiener's work and its later significance to harmonic analysis and Brownian motion.
Published 1933-01-01 by Dover Publications, Incorporated, Paperback, ISBN: 9780486602721, ISBN-10: 0486602729, List Price $4.50.

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