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I Wonder as I Wander by Hughes, Langston
I Wonder as I Wander: An Autobiographical Journey
by Hughes, Langston
In I Wonder as I Wander, Langston Hughes vividly recalls the most dramatic and intimate moments of his life in the turbulent 1930s.

His wanderlust leads him to Cuba, Haiti, Russia, Soviet Central Asia, Japan, Spain (during its Civil War), through dictatorships, wars, revolutions. He meets and brings to life the famous and the humble, from Arthur Koestler to Emma, the Black Mammy of Moscow. It is the continuously amusing, wise revelation of an American writer journeying around the often strange and always exciting world he loves.
Published August, 1993 by Farrar, Straus & Giroux, Paperback, 406 Pages, ISBN: 9780809015504, ISBN-10: 0809015501, List Price $18.00.

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