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4 Titles Found
Author: Barzun, Jacques

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From Dawn to Decadence: 1500 to the Present: 500 Years of Western Cultural Life
Barzun, Jacques

Highly regarded here and abroad for some thirty works of cultural history and criticism, master historian Jacques Barzun has now set down in one c... (more)

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On Writing, Editing, and Publishing: Essays Explicative and Hortatory
Barzun, Jacques ; Philipson, M.

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Stroll with William James
Barzun, Jacques
A Personal Note Prologue The Man The Masterpiece The Test of Truth The Varieties of Experience Freedom and Risk The Reign of William and Henry Beyond... (more)

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Use and Abuse of Art
Barzun, Jacques
The lecturer traces the historical development of attitudes toward the arts over the past 150 years, suggesting that the present is a period of cultur... (more)

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101 Things I Learne...
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This is a book that students of architecture will want to keep in the studio and in their backpacks. It is also a book they may want to keep out of vi... (more)
Five Germanys I Hav...
by Fritz Stern

The "German question" haunts the modern world: How could so civilized a nation be responsible for the greatest horror in Western history? In this u... (more)

Elements of Style I...
by Strunk, William, Jr.,...
The only style manual ever to appear on bestseller lists has explained to millions of readers the basic principles of plain English. The book's mantra... (more)
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