In an examination of Southern slave law between 1810 and 1860, Mark Tushnet reveals a structured dichotomy between slave labor systems and bourgeoi... (more) Buy New - $30.98 (save $10.02) Add to Wish List
A look at First Amendment coverage of music, non-representational art, and nonsense The Supreme Court has... (more) Buy New - $10.98 (save $6.97) Add to Wish List
A look at First Amendment coverage of music, non-representational art, and nonsense The Supreme Court has... (more) Buy New - $26.98 (save $48.02) Add to Wish List
In his 1996 State of the Union Address, President Bill Clinton announced that the "age of big government is over." Some Republicans accused him of... (more) Buy New - $18.98 (save $20.97) Add to Wish List
This is a concise introduction to current philosophical debates about truth. Combining philosophical and technical material, the book is organized... (more)
The definitive biography of America's greatest playwright from the celebrated drama critic of The New Yorker.