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Alicia Ostriker
Alicia Ostriker — The Old Woman, the Tulip, and the Dog: Poems
Wednesday, April 9th, 2014 at 6PM — Labyrinth Books Princeton

Alicia Ostriker's new sequence of poems will surprise and delight readers—in the voices of an old woman full of memories, a glamorous tulip, and an earthy dog who always has the last word. Please join us for a reading.

Alicia Suskin Ostriker is a poet and critic. She is the author of fifteen poetry collections, including The Book of Life, The Book of Seventy, The Mother/Child Papers, No Heaven, and The Little Space: Poems Selected and New, as well as several books on the Bible. She has received the Paterson Poetry Prize, the Paterson Award for Sustained Literary Achievement, the William Carlos Williams Award, the San Francisco State Poetry Center Award, the National Jewish Book Award, and has been a finalist for the National Book Award. Ostriker is professor emerita of English at Rutgers University and teaches in the low-residency MFA program at Drew University.

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