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Birds of Africa, Volume IV by Fry, C. Hilary ; Keith, Stuart ; Urban, Emil K.
Birds of Africa, Volume IV: Broadbills to Chats
by Fry, C. Hilary ; Keith, Stuart ; Urban, Emil K.
This volume covers the first 312 of approximately 1200 passerine species which inhabit continental Africa and the outlying islands. As in the first three volumes, each breeding species receives full coverage with sections on range and status, description, voice, general habits, food, and breeding biology. Non-breeding visitors are treated more briefly. The text concentrates on the bird's status and biology while in Africa. Range maps are given for each bird and superspecies maps are shown where appropriate. Large color plates, illustrated by Martin Woodcock, show the birds and adopt a more formal, field-guide style to emphasize the identification points of the more difficult groups. Ian Willis' line drawings elaborate on displays and patterns of behavior described in the text. The beauty and scholarship of this now standard reference on African birds must ensure it a place on every ornithologist's bookshelf.
Published 1992-09-20 by Princeton University Press, Hardcover, 632 Pages, ISBN: 9780121373047, ISBN-10: 0121373045, List Price $225.00.

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