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Subject: Film & Media Studies

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Accented Cinema: Exilic and Diasporic Filmmaking
Naficy, Hamid
An engaging overview of an important trend, the work of postcolonial, Third World, and other displaced filmmakers living in the West. Treating creativ... (more)

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American Movie Critics: An Anthology from the Silents until Now
Lopate, Phillip, ed.
A dynamic force in American culture since the early 20th century, movies have presented several generations of American writers and reviewers with a f... (more)

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Cambridge Introduction to Modern British Theatre
Shepherd, Simon
Introduces the features that have characterized British theatre since 1900. The topics covered include experimental performances under motorways, play... (more)

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Entertaining America: Jews, Movies, and Broadcasting
Hoberman, J. & Jeffrey Shandler
A captivating look at the relationship between the nation's Jews and its entertainment media, this colorfully written, lavishly illustrated book surve... (more)

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History of Film
Parkinson, David
In this lively analysis, Parkinson traces the evolution of the moving image from the earliest shadow shows to the digital filmmaking of the 21st centu... (more)

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Moments That Made the Movies
Thomson, David
In his first fully illustrated work, film historian and critic David Thomson breaks new ground by focusing in on a series of moments from 72 films acr... (more)

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New Kind of Public: Community, Solidarity, and Political Economy in New Deal Cinema, 1935-1948
Cassano, Graham
In 1936, director John Ford claimed to be making movies for "a new kind of public" that wanted more honest pictures. In this insightful and stimulatin... (more)

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Sirens & Sinners: Visual History of Weimar Film, 1919-1933
Prinzler, Hans Helmut
Germany under the Weimar Republic was the center of one of the most creative periods in film history, as movies like The Cabinet of Dr. Caligari, Nosf... (more)

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Television: A Biography
Thomson, David
In just a few decades, what used to be an immobile piece of living room furniture, which one had to sit in front of at appointed times in order to wat... (more)

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Wayne and Ford: The Films, the Friendship, and the Forging of an American Hero
Schoenberger, Nancy
For more than twenty years John Ford and John Wayne were a blockbuster Hollywood team, turning out many of the finest Western films ever made. Drawing... (more)

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Buddhist Fury
by Jerryson, Michael K.
Buddhist violence is not a well-known concept. In fact, it is generally considered an oxymoron. An image of a Buddhist monk holding a handgun or the i... (more)
It's Not Love, It's...
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My Mother: Demonology
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Based loosely on the relationship between Colette Peignot and Georges Bataille, My Mother: Demonology is the powerful story of a woman's struggle... (more)
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