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Subject: Latin American & Caribbean Studies

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Che Guevara: A Revolutionary Life
Anderson, Jon Lee
This biography draws on personal archives, Cuban government documents, and interviews with Che's comrades and the CIA men and Bolivian officers who hu... (more)

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History of Violence: Living and Dying in Central America
Martínez, Óscar
El Salvador and Honduras have had the highest homicide rates in the world over the past ten years, with Guatemala close behind. Every day more than 1,... (more)

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Politics of Che Guevara: Theory and Practice
Farber, Samuel
Fifty years after his death, Guevara remains a symbol to legions of young rebels and revolutionaries. This unique book provides a way to critically en... (more)

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Third Wave of Democratization in Latin America: Advances and Setbacks since 1978
Hagopian, Frances & Scott Mainwaring, eds.
Offers a comprehensive overview of the advances as well as the setbacks in the post-1978 wave of democratization that witnessed a sea change in Latin... (more)

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United States and the Origins of the Cuban Revolution: An Empire of Liberty in an Age of National Liberation
Benjamin, Jules R.
Argues convincingly that modern conflicts between Cuba and the US stem from a long history of US hegemony and Cuban resistance. Benjamin shows what di... (more)

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