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Subject: Psychology & Cognitive Science

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Making up Your Own Mind: Thinking Effectively Through Creative Puzzle-Solving
Burger, Edward B.
We solve countless problems -- big and small -- every day. With so much practice, why do we often have trouble making simple decisions -- much less ar... (more)

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Mind Change: How Digital Technologies Are Leaving Their Mark on the Brain
Greenfield, Susan
We now live in a world of backlit screens, instant information, and vibrant experiences that can outcompete dreary reality. Our brave new technologies... (more)

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On Our Minds: How Evolutionary Psychology Is Reshaping the Nature Versus Nurture Debate
Gander, Eric M.
Examines all sides of the public debate between evolutionary psychologists and their critics. Paying particularly close attention to the writings of S... (more)

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Origins of Happiness: The Science of Well-Being over the Life Course
Flèche, Sarah & Richard Layard
What makes people happy? Drawing on a range of evidence using large-scale data from various countries, the authors consider the key factors that affec... (more)

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Secret Life of the Mind: How Your Brain Thinks, Feels, and Decides
Sigman, Mariano
Sigman draws on research in physics, linguistics, psychology, education, and beyond to explain why people who speak more than one language are less pr... (more)

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